Home > Products > Various pinned products > Hackle Bars and Strips


In the field of Hackle bars and –strips we offer a wide range of pinning densities for obtaining maximum combing results.

Due to exclusive use of flat pins instead of the traditionally used round pins we are able to achieve significantly higher pinning densities compared to other systems, thus increasing the life time of the pins and pin strips.


Pinning density per inch:

5 6 7
8 8,5 9
10 12 13
14 15 16
17 18 19
20 21 22
23 24 25
26 27 28
29 30 32
33 34 36
38 41 43
45 - -


Pin Length:

19,05mm 22,23mm 23,81mm
25,40mm 26,99mm -

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