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STAEDTLER + UHL participates in the following spinning industry's international events.
You will soon be able to find us at:
Cairo, Egypt
18.01. – 21.01.2024
Dhaka, Bangladesch
01.02. – 04.02.2024
01.05. – 04.05.2024
Istanbul, Türkei
04.06. – 08.06.2024
CAITME Tashkent
11.09. – 14.09.2024
Shanghai, PR. China
14.10 – 18.10.2024
A reflection of Schwabacher needle production
We have been manufacturing needles and needle systems for the textile industry for more than 200 years. Our products are used in the processing of various natural fibers such as wool, cotton and linen, as well as in chemical fibers. Other focal points are needles and needle bars for textile finishing and spreader needles for weaving. In addition to products for the textile industry, axles, bent parts and pins for a wide variety of industries are also produced in accordance with customer requirements.
Please download our company brochure or contact us directly.
We are pleased and also take pride in presenting a short summary of the 225 years of our company’s history to you. In these fast moving times it can be considered a small miracle to be able to look back on such a long history. Here is a small chronicle of the year 1783 when everything began:
The Peace of Paris ends the American War of Independence. England recognises the USA. Florida and Menorca fall to Spain.
After several decades of fighting the Tatarian Crimea finally falls to Russia. The Montgolfier brothers take their first hot-air balloon ride. Aviation is born. Margrave Karl-Friedrich of Baden abolishes serfdom.
All this demonstrates how the world has changed in the last 225 years. While 30 years ago people were talking about typewriters instead of computers, and telephone calls to Italy were still a bit of an adventure, today we are able to react and interact with the most advanced technical equipment.
Up to early modern times only crafts manufacturing goods for every day life could be found in Schwabach. It was only in the second half of the 17th century that the first pin makers settled in Schwabach, laying the foundation for a development which has continued to the present day. In addition to Aachen and Iserlohn Schwabach soon became one of the centres of the German pin industry. Especially in the 19th century there was a considerable increase of pin makers, already with a strong diversification within the manufacturing process. For example the polishing and the sale of pins was often in the hands of wealthy master craftsmen.
One of these many master pin makers was Johann Jakob …